Tuesday, November 26
7:00pm ET
Digital Webinar
Meet Your Host
Brandon Vogt
Brandon is a bestselling author of eight books and the founder of ClaritasU, which trains Catholics how to talk about their faith, especially hot-button issues. He works as the Content Director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.
He also serves on the board of the Society of G.K. Chesterton and President of the Central Florida Chesterton Society.
During this webinar, you'll learn...
G.K. Chesterton was a bubbling mix of joy, wit, wonder, and paradox. He was one of the premier English journalists of the early-twentieth century, as well as a gifted novelist, poet, and essayist. He’s also the most famous Catholic convert of the past 100 years, and his writings have led countless others to faith.
But many people don’t know that in addition to his extraordinary writing and apologetics, Gilbert Keith Chesterton was an exemplary husband and father.
Today, we desperately need models of married sanctity, saintly husbands and wives who pursued the call to holiness in their marriages, work, and ordinary lives.
Chesterton did that. He loved his wife, Frances—he romanced her, like knights of old—and their marriage was immensely fruitful. We should learn from him, not just from his books but from his life.
That’s why, at the most recent Society of G.K. Chesterton Conference, I gave a talk to 500+ people titled “G.K. Chesterton as Husband and Father”, which I'm offering again on this webinar.