It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote, but it’s been inordinately hectic around these parts. We just purchased our first home, so we are absorbed in all that ‘moving in’ entails. Projects at work crescendoed during the same period, forcing me to work some late nights–including one brutal 17 hour day. Finally, two other things that are just beginning have soaked up a good deal of my attention. The first, which I’ve discussed before, is the JustFaith social-justice formation program that Kathleen and I are leading together. While the program runs roughly 30 weeks, the beginning seems to be the most time consuming. I’ll write more in depth about the second thing I’ve been devoted too soon, but it’s not ready to be revealed yet.
I have many ideas that have been clogging up my mind, waiting to be written about, but I haven’t had the time lately; things like imagination and spirituality, creative, the marketing of Jesus, the spirituality of buying a home, new media and God, intellectualism in the Christian life, and criticism of the Church. So be on the lookout as these writings trickle out in the coming days.