BadCatholic and the Pope in Madrid

Marc Barnes–blogging friend, fellow young Catholic, and frighteningly good writer–is in Spain right now for the most exciting event of the year: World Youth Day 2011.

Each day on his BadCatholic blog he’s been recapping his wild Spanish adventures through some hilarious videos. Here are a few:

Pope Benedict XVI
just landed in Madrid himself, and here is part of his opening address to the millions of young people present:

“I have come here to meet thousands of young people from all over the world, Catholics committed to Christ searching for the truth that will give real meaning to their existence.

I come as the Successor of Peter, to confirm them all in the faith, with days of intense pastoral activity, proclaiming that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life; to motivate the commitment to build up the Kingdom of God in the world among us; to exhort young people and so, rooted in his person, to become faithful followers and valiant witnesses.”

Read the rest of his opening address here.