My Books
20 Top Reasons Why People Leave the Church (and How to Respond)
ClaritasU, 2024
It's the top source of anxiety for many Catholics: someone they love, whether a child, relative, spouse, or friend, has walked away from the Catholic Church. They wonder how this could have happened, how this person who once faithfully attended Mass and perhaps even went through Catholic schools eventually decided they want no part in the Catholic faith.
Their heartache naturally leads them to ask, why? Why did they leave? Each person is unique, and each has a story to tell. But typically, a handful of common objections pop up again and again among former Catholics. This book will familiarize you with each objection, but even more, it will teach you exactly how to respond. You'll learn how to reframe the objection so your loved one sees things from a new perspective, and you'll also discover some good books relating to the objection, to go even deeper.
How to Discuss Abortion With Pro-Choice Friends and Family
ClaritasU, 2023
We all have certain topics we hope never arise in conversation. For many Catholics, abortion is one of those issues. You know abortion is wrong but if you’re being honest, you’re still not eager to talk about it with friends and family, especially those who are pro-choice. Emotions get heated and you’re worried you’ll damage those relationships.
The Supreme Court’s landmark decision, Dobbs v. Jackson, escalated these tensions. It reopened the abortion debate nationwide as people in every area of the country vigorously dispute what restrictions, if any, we should place around abortion.
That’s why this book is so needed, timely, and helpful. Brandon Vogt, bestselling author and award-winning Catholic apologist, teaches you how to navigate these hard conversations. After reading it, you’ll no longer be intimidated by common pro-abortion objections because you’ll already be familiar with the best ones, and you’ll know precisely how to respond to them. You’ll know the right questions to ask so that you can stay in control of the conversation, driving it in a positive and fruitful direction without angering the other person or raising the temperature in the room.
Get ready to stop feeling nervous and afraid. Become clear and confident. It’s time to make the pro-life case.

This is your handbook to find the clarity, confidence, courage, and charity to discuss abortion. Brandon Vogt is a gifted evangelist who offers the practical strategies necessary to make a difference in the most important social issue of our day. Lives depend on our ability to transform minds and hearts, and this book will help you do that.

An excellent resource! Clear, concise, and compassionate, Brandon Vogt does a masterful job taking the seemingly complex topic of abortion and walking readers through a step-by-step way to communicate the pro-life view with others in a simple and kind way. Brandon is an excellent formator in general, and on this topic he does an outstanding job. Well worth the read
What to Say and How to Say It, Vol III: Even More Ways to Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Ave Maria Press, 2022
It’s not uncommon for someone who doesn’t understand the Catholic faith to question believers on hot-button topics such as contraception and Church scandals. Are you confident in your responses or do you try to avoid the conversation because you don’t know if you’ll get it right?
In What to Say and How to Say It, Volume 3, Brandon Vogt—bestselling and award-winning author and senior publishing director of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries—tackles these critical issues, as well as salvation, the Bible, miracles, the Mass, and end-of-life concerns, to give you the tools you need to be clear and convincing as you share your convictions with those around you.
Each chapter offers an overview of the topic and a straightforward explanation of what the Church teaches. Then you’ll learn about the most common contemporary arguments against the Church’s teachings followed by step-by-step instructions for responding intelligently and confidently. Vogt also shares interviews with experts on each topic, including Christopher West, Mike Aquilina, Stephanie Gray Connors, and Karlo Broussard.

If you’ve ever wanted to speak up for your faith at the water cooler or on the airplane but got tongue tied this is the book for you! Brandon Vogt, a master communicator, tackles the tough questions that many Catholics are embarrassed to discuss. You’ll get the tools you need to explain your faith with confidence!
Wisdom and Wonder: How Peter Kreeft Shaped the Next Generation of Catholics
Ignatius Press, 2021
Few figures have impacted the rising generation of Catholics more than Peter Kreeft, the widely respected philosophy professor and prolific bestselling author of over 80 books. Through his writings and lectures, Kreeft has shaped the minds and hearts of thousands of young apologists, evangelists, teachers, parents, and scholars. This collection of eighteen essays, mainly by millennial Catholic leaders and converts to the Catholic faith, celebrates Kreeft’s significant legacy and impact, his most important books, and the many ways he has imparted to others those two seminal gifts: wisdom and wonder.
Among the eighteen contributors to this book are Brandon Vogt, Trent Horn, Tyler Blanski, Dr. Douglas Beaumont, JonMarc Grodi, Jackie Angel, Matthew Warner, Rachel Bulman, Fr. Blake Britton, and others.

The wonderful essays in this collection witness to the extraordinary influence of one of the great teachers of the Catholic faith in our time. In their intelligence, wit, and faith, these young disciples of Peter Kreeft show that they have sat attentively at the master's feet. But their most significant contribution is this: they make people want to read the works of the man who so inspired them.

University professor, philosopher sage, convert apologist, prolific author, Peter Kreeft is our generation's C.S. Lewis, and more. Through his books, his teaching, and his friendship, he has brought countless souls to Christ and to the Catholic Church — by many and varied paths. These essays, by an appropriately diverse group of authors, reflect the broad range of Peter's appeal and influence. What better way to honor one of the greatest minds in American Catholic history?

Mix the curiosity of Socrates, the heart of Augustine, the clarity of Aquinas, the wrestling of Pascal, the apologetics of Lewis, and the wonder of Chesterton, and you have the special cocktail that is Peter Kreeft. He's a giant of several intellectual fields, most notably philosophy, apologetics, and theology, and he's still writing books well into his ninth decade. This delightful collection of essays celebrates his vast legacy and reveals the enormous impact Kreeft has had on the rising generation of Catholic writers, thinkers, and evangelists. For both fans of Peter Kreeft and those discovering him for the first time, it's the perfect gateway into his splendid work.

It takes a special gift to make the classical philosophical tradition accessible to a general readership. Once Mortimer Adler did the job. Equal talents are needed to make serious Catholic apologetics accessible to the same audience, and writers like Ronald Knox once showed the way. In recent decades, Peter Kreeft has ably taken up the mantles of Adler and Knox, and a generation of readers is in his debt – as is the Church.
Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church
Foreword by Bishop Robert Barron
Word on Fire, 2021
The statistics are troubling: 6.5 people leave the Catholic Church for every one that joins, and 50% of young people who were raised Catholic are no longer Catholic today. The Catholic Church is hemorrhaging young people.
Behind these statistics are countless stories of wounded families. Millions of mothers and fathers are longing for their prodigal children to come home to the Church, crying: “Where did we go wrong?”
The passive wait-and-see approach is no longer an option. We need a different strategy. We need to understand the real reasons why our young people drift away, and we need a game plan to bring them home. We need Return.

“Return” offers practical and realistic ways to bring lost souls home. And I should know: I was one of those kids who left the Church for over 10 years, regardless of my good upbringing and Church-going parents. Brandon clearly identifies my own journey away from and back to Jesus. “Return” is a true treasure for our times.
What to Say and How to Say It, Vol II: More Ways to Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Ave Maria Press, 2021
Are you hesitant to discuss issues such as faith and science, homosexuality, or the Resurrection with your family, friends, and coworkers because you’re afraid you’ll say the wrong thing or forget what to say altogether?
Bestselling and award-winning author Brandon Vogt, senior content director of Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, is back with more straightforward, practical guidance for any Catholic who wants to engage confidently with today’s culture. In this second volume of What to Say and How to Say It, Vogt tackles seven more of today’s most pressing (and controversial) issues, giving you all the tools you need to be clear and convincing as you share your convictions with those around you.
You will find essential resources for speaking with clarity and confidence about the critical issues of faith you face in the world today. This book is an indispensable resource covering seven hot-button issues and pressing questions in the area of
- faith and science;
- the Resurrection;
- heaven, hell, and purgatory;
- relativism;
- Islam;
- homosexuality; and
- Mary.
Each chapter offers an overview of the topic and a clear explanation of what the Church teaches. Then you’ll learn about the most common contemporary arguments against the Church’s teachings followed by step-by-step instructions for responding intelligently and confidently.
What to Say and How to Say It: Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Ave Maria Press, 2020
Brandon Vogt, bestselling author of Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too), offers Catholics an indispensable resource for understanding and articulating the Church’s teaching on seven of the most critical issues Catholics face today as we dialogue with the secular culture and people of other religious backgrounds.
Based on the content of Vogt’s online community, ClaritasU, What to Say and How to Say It equips readers with the tools to intelligently discuss topics such as the Eucharist, same-sex marriage, and abortion, providing straightforward talking points to explain Catholic teaching.

In an insightful, practical, and very readable way, “What to Say And How to Say It” presents reasons for belief in God, and for several teachings rooted in reason and faith that our secular society rejects. I highly recommend it. This book fully delivers on what its title promises.

With truth in charity, Vogt does a masterful job of handling many of today’s hot-button issues. From atheism to the Eucharist, transgenderism to the problem of evil and suffering, the reader will be equipped with a clarity of thinking to help them know “What to Say and How to Say It.” I highly recommend this book!

If you long to have charitable conversations about hot button issues with friends and loved ones, this book is for you. If you want to be equipped to defend Church teaching with logical reasoning and avoid a heated argument, “What to Say and How to Say It” can be your guide. Brandon Vogt takes you step-by-step through some of the most emotionally-charged topics of today so you can find common ground with those who disagree and communicate truth with clarity and kindness.
Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too)
Ave Maria Press, 2017
With atheism on the rise and millions tossing off religion, why would anyone consider the Catholic Church? Brandon Vogt, a bestselling author and the content director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, shares his passionate search for truth, a journey that culminated in the realization that Catholicism was right about a lot of things, maybe even everything. His persuasive case for the faith reveals a vision of Catholicism that has answers our world desperately needs and reminds those already in the Church what they love about it.
Why I Am Catholic serves as a compelling reproposal of the Church for former Catholics, a persuasive argument for truth and beauty to those who have become jaded and disenchanted with religion, and at the same time offers practicing Catholics a much-needed dose of confidence and clarity to affirm their faith against an increasingly skeptical culture.

In a time of crisis, when so many young people have abandoned the Church, Brandon Vogt stands out among his generation as one who boldly affirms the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic Faith. As this book demonstrates, he is bright, articulate, kind, and passionate. He’s one of the radiant lights of the New Evangelization.

Brandon Vogt’s “Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too)” lives up to its cheeky title. It is clear, direct, simple yet not simplistic, and is ideal for “nones“ who wonder why any intelligent adult would choose the most counter-cultural religion in the world. Here is a friendly explanation from a live fish who is swimming happily upstream to the many fish who are passing him in the other direction.

For years, I’ve longed for a book that I could recommend to parents whose children have left the Church or to people who have lost their faith. This is that book. Brandon Vogt makes the case for Catholicism with remarkable clarity and charity. Along the way, he handles common objections to Catholicism, with answers that touch both mind and heart. If you know someone struggling with belief—or if you yourself have questions or doubts—then do yourself a favor: buy this book, read it, and then share it with others.
Read More Books Now: How to Double Your Reading and Remember What You Read
Numinous Books, 2015
Wish you had more time to read? Want to finish more books? Last year, the average American read only nine books. Imagine finishing 10, 30, or even 100 books next year and confidently discussing them with friends!
Read More Books Now will teach you simple strategies to double your reading and remember what you read. You’ll discover the simple, practical hacks used by top readers around the world. You’ll also find out how to carve more reading time into your busy day. No fluff—only what really works!
If you want to read more books, in less time, without speed-reading, then this is the resource you need.
The Saints’ Favorite Books: Read What They Read, Become Who They Are
Numinous Books, 2014
“Reading has made many saints.” – St. Josemaria Escriva
Books change lives. They spark movements and birth hope, they lead to innovation and inspire us to greatness. We’ve seen this in history and we know it ourselves.
Books can also lead people to God. As the saints in this book show, the right book at the right time can inflame our spiritual lives, ushering us down the road of holiness.
Inside this book, you’ll find fourteen saints and their favorite books. All of them would, of course, claim Scripture as their favorite reading material. But this book reveals the non-biblical books that profoundly impacted their lives.
You’ll also find a special BONUS Appendix on “The Popes’ Favorite Books.”
Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World
Foreword by Archbishop Peter Sartain
Our Sunday Visitor, 2014
Catholic social teaching has explosive power for changing not just individuals, but whole societies. And it’s the saints who light the fuse.
The value of human life. The call to family and community. Serving the poor. The rights of workers. Care for creation.
The church has always taught certain undeniable truths that can and should affect our society. But over the years, these teachings have been distorted, misunderstood, and forgotten.
With the help of fourteen saints, it’s time we reclaim Catholic social teaching and rediscover it through the lives of those who best lived it out. Follow in the saints’ footsteps, learn from their example, and become the spark of authentic social justice that sets the world on fire.

A triumph! One of the best presentations of the Church’s social teaching. Brandon Vogt adeptly and correctly positions social justice in relation to the lives of the saints, and in doing so he rescues it from the ideological constraints that have for far too long made this essential teaching of the Church inaccessible to most of the faithful.
CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization Study Guide
Word on Fire, 2013
This six-part study guide for Bishop Robert Barron’s documentary, CATHOLICISM: The New Evangelization, explains what the New Evangelization is and how to carry it out.
You’ll take a fascinating tour of new ardor, new expressions, and new methods in action around the world.
You’ll also develop your own New Evangelization action plan, either as an individual or as part of a parish.
The Church and New Media: Blogging Converts, Online Activists, and Bishops Who Tweet
Foreword by Cardinal Sean O'Malley
Afterword by Cardinal Timothy Dolan
Our Sunday Visitor, 2011
Catholic social teaching has explosive power for changing not just individuals, but whole societies. And it’s the saints who light the fuse.
The value of human life. The call to family and community. Serving the poor. The rights of workers. Care for creation.
The church has always taught certain undeniable truths that can and should affect our society. But over the years, these teachings have been distorted, misunderstood, and forgotten.
With the help of fourteen saints, it’s time we reclaim Catholic social teaching and rediscover it through the lives of those who best lived it out. Follow in the saints’ footsteps, learn from their example, and become the spark of authentic social justice that sets the world on fire.