Catholic Media and the Law

Catholic Media Life is a helpful new website run by Brian Dengler, a former Vice President at America Online. It has a unique mission:

Catholic Media Life is a service provided by Isidorus Media Vocations, Inc. a non-profit corporation based in New Albany, Ohio. Catholic Media Life is intended to provide Catholics who blog, prepare podcasts, digital videos, web sites, pages on social sites, and create other new media content some insight on legal and technology issues related to new media.

Brian plans to give tips to Catholic bloggers, podcasters, and radio broadcasts on some of the tricky issues involving media and the law. Things like using photos, copyright infringement, fair use, and what you need to know about advertising networks.

So if you’re a Catholic who produces any sort of media, be sure to check out Catholic Media Life.

(And my recommendation would stand even without his great post on The Church and New Media.)