A couple years ago, you helped me launch the Africa eBook Project. Our goal was to send a digital library of books to EVERY Catholic seminarian in Cameroon, Africa. The plan was to send them CDs packed with books such as the Bible, the complete Church Fathers, St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, Church documents and encyclicals, and books by saints (Newman, Therese, Ignatius, Chesterton) and modern spiritual masters (Pope Benedict XVI).
We needed to raise $4,000 to send 2,000 CDs.
We raised over $18,000.
Not only did we cover all the seminarians in Cameroon, we branched out to seminaries in Uganda (800 CDs), Ghana (600), Nigeria (600), South Africa (180), and Tanzania (97), with more coming soon!
This morning, I received an email from the men at St. Paul’s Catholic Seminary in Accra, Ghana, thrilled to receive several boxes of CDs. They’re so excited. These resources, they said, will shape their priestly ministry for years to come.
To all those who chipped in a few bucks toward this project, thank YOU for making this happen!
Learn more about the Africa eBook Project here: http://AfricaEbooks.com