Lighthouse Catholic Media Book and CD Giveaway! (+ Free Download)

“Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.” – St. Augustine

Since I’ve built up a large collection of extra books and resources, every week I give some away absolutely free, no strings attached.

Each giveaway lasts seven days with a new one beginning every Friday. You can enter any time during the week. Check out my past giveaways here.


Thanks to Lighthouse Catholic Media, today I’m giving away TEN of their best CDs and FIVE of their top books. One winner will receive all fifteen items below.

But here’s the really cool news: Lighthouse is also giving away a FREE downloadable talk to everyone who enters:

Download Fr. Larry Richards’ “The Mystery of Christmas” (MP3)

Just click the link above to stream the talk or right-click and choose “Save link as..” to download it to your computer.


The Lamb’s Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth

by Dr. Scott Hahn

Lighthouse Catholic Media, paperback

The Lambs SupperLearn the amazing connections between the Mass and John’s heavenly vision in the book or Revelation!

Of all things Catholic, there is nothing that is so familiar as the Mass. With its unchanging prayers, the Mass fits Catholics like their favorite clothes. Yet most Catholics sitting in the pews on Sundays fail to see the powerful supernatural drama that enfolds them. Pope John Paul II described the Mass as “Heaven on Earth,” explaining that what “we celebrate on Earth is a mysterious participation in the heavenly liturgy.”

The Lamb’s Supper reveals a long-lost secret of the Church: The early Christians’ key to understanding the mysteries of the Mass was the New Testament Book of Revelation. With its bizarre imagery, its mystic visions of heaven, and its end-of-time prophecies, Revelation mirrors the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist.

Beautifully written, in clear direct language, Dr. Scott Hahn’s best-selling book will help readers see the Mass with new eyes, pray the liturgy with a renewed heart, and enter into the Mass more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently, and powerfully than ever before.


The One Thing is Three: How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything

by Fr. Michael Gaitley

Lighthouse Catholic Media, paperback

The One Thing is Three“The One Thing is Three” is written for everyone. The conversational tone has an appeal that invites the reader into the journey of life. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves the Church and seeks a deeper understanding of her teachings. Filled with references to Vatican II and Pope John Paul II, this book will enrich your belief in God’s plan of salvation, and your love of the Most Holy Trinity.

Dr. Peter Kreeft, PHD: “WARNING: This book is dangerous. It brims with wisdom and wonder, and with enthusiastic and infectious joy. This is the very best example I have ever seen of the “New Evangelization” in the form of a book for contemporary Catholics.”


Be A Man!: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be

by Fr. Larry Richards

Lighthouse Catholic Media, paperback

Be a ManFr. Larry Richards – popular speaker at Men’s Conferences around the country – speaks to the true nature of manhood in this powerful book from Ignatius Press. Drawing on his own struggles and life experiences, as well as his many years of ministry, Fr. Larry offers this highly readable book for men about the things that matter most: being a son of God, fatherhood, holiness, sexuality, overcoming weaknesses, defending femininity, and LOVE.

“Fr. Larry talks straight to men in his own manly style and pulls no spiritual punches!”Dr. Ray Guarendi (Author and Syndicated Radio Host and Columnist)


Prayer for Beginners

by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Lighthouse Catholic Media, paperback

Prayer for BeginnersDr. Peter Kreeft, widely respected across all Christian denominational lines for his great variety of spiritual and philosophical works, brings his unique insights to this most important area of our spiritual lives. He claims he himself is still a beginner in prayer, and this book is for all those who, like him, feel that they are not good at praying but desire to become much better at it.

Kreeft offers simple but profound advice and practical steps for developing a prayer life based on the time-tested wisdom of the saints and great spiritual writers, especially the principles found in Brother Lawrence’s classic The Practice of the Presence of God.

In short, straight-forward, and unsentimental chapters, Kreeft covers all the key areas for understanding and developing that intimate form of communication with our Creator that we call prayer. He covers such areas as the necessity of prayer, various motives and methods, steps, patience, suffering, sin, faith, and grace.


The Shadow of His Wings

by Fr. Geron Goldmann

Lighthouse Catholic Media, paperback

The Shadow of His WingsHere is the astonishing true story of the harrowing experiences of a young German seminarian drafted into Hitler’s dreaded SS at the onset of World War II. Without betraying his Christian ideals, against all odds, and in the face of evil, Geron Goldmann was able to complete his priestly training, be ordained and secrety minister to German Catholic soliders and innocent civilian victims caught up in the horrors of war. How it all came to pass will astound you.

Fr. Goldmann tells of his own incredible experiences of the trials of war, his many escapes from almost certain death, and the diabolical persecution that he and his fellow Catholic soldiers encountered on account of their faith. What emerges is an extraordinary witness to the workings of Divine Providence and the undying power of love, prayer, faith, and sacrifice.


Parenting for Purity

by Jason Evert

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Parenting for PurityDo you want to be the #1 influence in your teen’s sexual behavior? In this presentation, Jason Evert provides parents with 10 powerful strategies to safeguard the innocence of their children and effectively communicate the benefits and beauty of chastity to their family. Jason has spoken about chastity to to more than one million people around the world and is the author of more than a dozen books.


Love Hurts: The Truth Behind Redemptive Suffering

by Matthew Leonard

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Love HurtsIn this presentation, Matthew Leonard focuses on the new idea of love proclaimed by Christ and how it gives meaning to human suffering, penance, and ultimately death. Sounds a bit dark, doesn’t it? But it’s not! By looking at these issues we’ll discover the secret to how we can “Rejoice in the Lord always” just like St. Paul, no matter what happens.


The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic

by Matthew Kelly

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

4Signs_AudioBookAs human beings we are constantly engaging and disengaging in everything we do. We engage and disengage at work, in marriage, as parents, in our quest for health and well-being, in personal finances, environmentally, politically, and, of course, we engage and disengage spiritually.

If you walk into any Catholic church next Sunday and look around, you will discover that some people are highly engaged, others are massively disengaged, and the majority are somewhere in between, Why? What is the difference between highly engaged Catholics and disengaged Catholics?

Answering this question is essential to the future of the Catholic Church. If we truly want to engage Catholics and reinvigorate parish life, we must first discover what drives engagement among Catholics. Matthew Kelly explores this question in his groundbreaking new book, and the simplicity of what he discovers will amaze you.


Proofs for the Existence of God: Physics, Philosophy, Life After Death, and More

by Fr. Robert Spitzer

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Proofs for the Existence of GodToday, it is more important than ever to understand how the voice of science and our ordered universe clearly testify to the existence of an all-powerful God. In this informative talk, Fr. Robert Spitzer – an expert in physics, philosophy, and theology – explains how modern scientific findings and recent medical studies support what is clearly understood through Christian Faith.


Discerning God’s Will

by Fr. Larry Richards

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Discerning God's WillPresented by Lighthouse Catholic Youth: “How do I know what God wants?” Knowing the will of God can be an intimidating topic for people of all ages. In this talk, Fr. Larry Richards, the founder of The Reason for Our Hope foundation, delves into the process of discernment. With personal stories, practical steps, and sound advice, Fr. Larry encourages all of us to dedicate ourselves to living the life that God has planned for us. It is in living this life that we will be truly happy.


Winning the Culture War

by Dr. Peter Kreeft

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Winning the Culture WarTo win any war, there are three things that you must know: that you are at war, who your enemy is, and what weapons or strategies can defeat him. Acknowledging that our culture is clearly in crisis, Dr. Peter Kreeft shows us that the only weapon strong enough to defeat the demons of this age is saints. Above all, Dr. Kreeft assures us that victory is assured for those who hope in Christ, because good always triumphs over evil.


Pray Like a Saint: Wisdom for Growing Close to God

by Matthew Leonard

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Pray Like a SaintIn this talk, internationally known speaker and author Matthew Leonard defines and discusses the three traditional stages of prayer. According to scripture, every one of us is called to “be perfect” and to “pray without ceasing.” Prayer is the path to God and we’ve been saying prayers all our lives. But are we really praying? Matthew lays out the practical steps to achieve union with God through deep prayer, even in the midst of this busy world.


My Brother, the Pope

by Msgr. Georg Ratzinger

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

My Brother the PopeExcerpts from the incredible book from Ignatius Press. Listen and learn more about what shaped our beloved Pope Benedict XVI.

“From the beginning of my life, my brother has always been for me not only a companion, but a trustworthy guide. For me he has been a point of orientation and of reference with the clarity and determination of his decisions. He has always shown me the path to take, even in difficult situations.” – Pope Benedict XVI


Reaching Out to Todays Culture: Answering the Four YouTube Heresies

by Fr. Robert Barron

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

Reaching Out to Today's CultureIn this highly relevant talk, Fr. Robert Barron shares observations from his dialogue with critics of his You Tube videos. He eloquently illustrates how well equipped our Catholic intellectual tradition is to access and clarify the confusion that is so prevalent in our culture about matters of Christian faith and life.


How to Get the Most Out of Mass: A Step-by-Step Analysis of the Mass

by Dr. Scott Hahn

Lighthouse Catholic Media, CD

How to Get the Most Out of MassDr. Scott Hahn takes us through the awesome grandeur of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, from the entrance song to the dismissal. With great clarity, he takes us through a basic outline of the structure of the Mass, explaining how the Sacred Liturgy transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary and the earthly into the heavenly. A must-have for every Catholic and non-Catholic who wants to know what the Mass is all about.



I’m using Rafflecopter to help with the giveaway, which is great because it gives you multiple entries for commenting, posting on Facebook, sharing on Twitter, etc. Click below to enter:

(If you’re reading this through email or RSS and don’t see the giveaway widget, click here.)

The winner(s) will be randomly selected next Friday and the books will be sent out, free of charge, shortly thereafter.

In the future I’ll be giving away more books and resources, sometimes multiple items per giveaway! So subscribe via feed reader or email to ensure you never miss your chance to win.

(Since I’m covering the shipping costs, only residents within the continental United States are eligible to win.)