My 75 Favorite Blogs – #50 to #26

I love to read. And a huge amount of what I read each day comes from blogs on the internet. I pointed out the richness and methods of reading blogs a couple of days ago (go here to read what I wrote), while also introducing the list of my 75 favorite blogs, beginning with #75 to #51. Out of the roughly 180 blogs I’m “subscribed” to, these 75 are the ones I most look forward to reading each day. So continuing on, here is the next set of my favorites, #50 to #26:

50. Jennifer’s Favorite Links (Other-Links)
Links to fascinating stories from all around the internet; usually about 1 link every couple of days.

49. Patrick Madrid’s Blog (Christian-Catholic)
Personal blog of popular Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid.

48. Just Wallpaper (Christian-Technology)
Semi-regular postings of social-justice-themed desktop wallpapers for your computer. These cool wallpapers regularly cycle through my computer background.

47. Sainthood Project (Christian-Catholic)
Offers tips and challenges to live a more saintly life.

46. Desiring God Blog (Christian-Reformed)
The blog of Desiring God Ministries, headed by popular writer and preacher John Piper. I don’t always agree with the bloggers at Desiring God, but the large majority of their stuff is very good food for the soul.

45. Albert Mohler’s Blog (Christian-Baptist)
The personal blog of the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; another guys I don’t always agree with, but most of what he says is very good and well-articulated.

44. Fallible Blogma (Christian-Catholic)
A site offering social and political commentary on the news from the perspective of a young Catholic man.

43. Burnside Writer’s Collective (Christian-Magazine)
An online Christian magazine aimed towards people disenfranchised by traditional Christianity. This group of writers was gathered by author Don Miller in Portland, OR.

42. Okie-Booklady (Other-Books)
A fellow Catholic bibliomaniac who posts links, articles, and plenty of book reviews.

41. Voices of CRS (Christian-Catholic)
Articles, news, and prayers from Catholic Relief Services, the international service arm of the American Catholic Church.

40. Dwight Howard’s Blog (Other-Sports)
The personal blog of my favorite basketball player, Orlando Magic superstar Dwight Howard.

39. Seth Godin’s Blog (Other-Business)
Short daily posts by productivity guru Seth Godin; great to read even if you don’t work in the realm of business.

38. C.S. Lewis Blog (Christian-C.S. Lewis)
Semi-regular articles on C.S. Lewis’ thought and works written by a collection of C.S. Lewis scholars.

37. Wrecked For the Ordinary (Christian-Social Justice)
A weekly web-zine full of articles aimed at 20-and-30-somethings with a strong emphasis on spirituality and social justice.

36. Catholic Spiritual Direction (Christian-Catholic)
A blog written by a Catholic priest–someone who is particularly adept at spiritual direction–to give online spiritual direction through articles and Q&A’s.

35. OSV Daily Take (Christian-Catholic)
News stories and editorials on current events from a Catholic perspective; the official blog of the “Our Sunday Visitor” newspaper, one of my favorite publications.

34. Intentional Disciples (Christian-Catholic)
A group blog from the Catherine of Siena Institute which aims to recognize and ignite the spiritual gifts within lay men and women of the Catholic Church. As a convert from Evangelical Protestantism to Catholicism I really appreciate the importance they place on spiritual formation; these men and women embrace the best of both Evangelicalism and Catholicism.

33. Change the World – Orlando Sentinel (Local-Justice)
The best blog I know of to find opportunities to make a difference in the greater Central Florida Community.

32. Inside Catholic (Christian-Catholic)
Blog postings and columns from a diverse group of clergy, theologians, experts, and laypeople. The articles mainly commentate on Catholicism in the public square.

31. @realrobbell on Twitter (Christian-Twitter)
Twitter updates from popular preacher and writer Rob Bell.

30. Canterbury Tales (Christian-Catholic)
Blog written by an Anglican-priest convert to Catholicism. He is pursuing his PhD, but his writing is fairly popularized; lots of good writings on Paul and the Jew-ishness of Jesus and the Catholic Church.

29. There, I Fixed It (Other-Humor)
A hilarious picture-blog of people performing do-it-yourself fixes to common problems.

28. Hoopsworld (Other-Sports)
Rumors, headlines and stories from the NBA.

27. The Frame (Other-Photography)
A fascinating picture-blog detailing major world events through photos, published by the Sacramento Bee.

26. The Big Picture (Other-Photography)
Another fascinating picture-blog detailing major world events through photos.

So, that’s the second batch. Be on the lookout for #25 to #1 soon. Again, if you want to learn a little more about “blogs” or the best ways to efficiently read them, check out a previous post I wrote on “Blogs and RSS Basics”. And like last time, if you’d like to list some of your favorite blogs, then feel free to leave a comment below, even if it’s your own blog (permission is hereby granted for unbridled self-promotion)!