Weekly Giveaway (4/27)

“Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.” – St. Augustine

Because I’ve built up a large collection of extra books and resources, each week I give away one or more, absolutely free, no strings attached.

Each giveaway lasts seven days with a new one beginning each Friday, so you can enter any time during the week. Check out a list of past giveaways items here.

Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
by Bob Goff

This week’s giveaway includes THREE brand new copies of Love Does, which I reviewed yesterday.

Here’s what I said in my review:

“Almost every party or family gathering has a Storyteller. You know the guy. He’s the one who draws people around him like a magnet. His stories are well-paced and he delivers them with surprise and humor and suspense.

Well, Bob Goff is that guy on steroids. If you read Donald Miller’s fantastic memoir, A Million Miles In a Thousand Years—and if you haven’t, you should—you probably remember Bob. He’s the guy who throws a neighborhood parade each year to celebrate the gift of today. According to Don, “Bob lives better stories than anyone I know.


Love Does is simply a fun read. The book is light and capricious and filled with adventure. Bob Goff is one of those rare people who doesn’t just tell good stories; he lives them. And Love Does inspires you to follow his lead.”

In order to win this week’s giveaway, leave a comment below answering this question:

What’s your favorite story of love in action?

The winning comments will be randomly selected on Friday morning using a random number generator, and the giveaway will be sent out, free-of-charge, shortly thereafter to the three winners.
In the future I’ll be giving away many more books and resources–sometimes multiple items per giveaway. So check back next Friday!

Update: The drawing is closed for the week of Friday, April 27. Congratulations to Tyler M., Emily K., and Barb S. for winning this week! Check your e-mail for instructions on receiving the book. If you don’t see an e-mail from me, check your spam box–apparently e-mails with “giveaway” in the subject line often end up there.