This afternoon at 1:00pm ET I’ll be LIVE on FoxNews’ “Spirited Debate” show discussing two topics with host Lauren Green and talk-show maven, T.J. McCormack.
It will definitely be live-streamed at Live, but I’m not sure whether it will also be on the FoxNews TV station.
Here’s the info they gave me about our topics:
1. Boy Scout’s ban on gay people
The Boy Scouts of America, which confirmed last summer its policy barring openly gay people from participation, said last week that it was reconsidering the ban. They announced Wednesday that it would postpone a decision once more, until May, as talk of gay men and lesbians in the ranks has roiled a storied organization that carries deep emotional connection and nostalgia for millions of Americans.
2. President Obama’s Prayer Breakfast speech on ‘Humility’
Speaking at his fifth National Prayer Breakfast since taking office, President Obama said Thursday morning that the annual gatherings are always “wonderful.” But he worries, Obama told the lawmakers and clergy gathered in Washington, D.C., that “as soon as we leave the prayer breakfast, everything we’ve been talking about the whole time at the prayer breakfast is forgotten … on the same day as the prayer breakfast.”
Watch live here —>