Annual Apologetics Weekend

Saddleback Church, the Evangelical mega-church pastored by Rick Warren, recently hosted their annual apologetics weekend. The five speakers included some real heavyweights: Peter Kreeft, Philip Yancey, Scot McKnight, Greg Koukl, and Chris Wright. The theme was “Who Is Jesus?”

Kreeft was the lone Catholic, but my favorite of the group. He spoke on Jesus’ “shocking life”, which he expands upon in his book, Jesus Shock. The five talks were as follows:

You can watch video from each talk by clicking on the above links, but you might want to fast-forward through Warren’s opening remarks which take up the first 15 minutes of each video. If you want to catch Kreeft’s talk, the good Doctor walks to the stage at the 17:00 minute mark, so just fast forward to there.