First Over-the-Top Review of "The Church and New Media"

My good friend Brent Stubbs–though I’m sure he wasn’t influenced by our friendship–has this to say about the Church and New Media book, website, and video trailer:

This is a truly exciting week for the entire world. The website for the ground-breaking, mind-bending, life-changing, method morphing book (pre-order here), The Church and the New Media, has been released. [cue Superman music] Brandon Vogt, formerly known as blogger, has reappeared out of the telephone booth as Chief New Media Officer (CNMO), leading the reader into uncharted terabytes.

I will tell you that it is a must read, so go ahead and set aside a quarter or so a day so you can justify making the purchase. Actually, it’s really easy to justify given that Brandon is forgoing royalties to empower kids in Kenya with technology and training. [Superman music stop]

Check out more at Brent’s blog, The Journey: Almost Not Catholic, where he has some great apologetical writings and a weekly collection of videos.