Free Signed "Church and New Media" Bookplate

Many people have asked how to get a signed copy of “The Church and New Media”. The best way, of course, is to meet me in person where I would love to offer a signature (maybe even my own!).

We’ll have a table at both the CatholiCon Expo (August 26-28 in Houston) and the Catholic New Media Celebration (September 30-October 2 in Kansas City) so either would be a perfect opportunity.

But for those who can’t meet offline, I’d like to offer a signed, personalized bookplate–free of charge! This will get you a signature much quicker and cheaper than shipping books from the publisher, to me, then to you.

To receive your free bookplate–a fancy name I’m using for “sticker”–fill out this form with your name and address. If you’re requesting the bookplate for someone else, please note that in the “Comment” box so I can write the correct name.

There is just *one* small catch. To get the bookplate, you first have to mention or review the book on your website, blog, Facebook or Twitter account (and preferably Amazon!). After you’ve done that, just include the link in the “Link to Review” box below. Thanks!

(Because of cost, the offer is only open to readers within the United States. If you have any questions, email me at