The Future of the Church

“But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

You probably saw our 3-year-old son Isaiah’s liturgy, complete with his Micky Mouse sacramentary. Since we posted the video last month it’s gone viral, attracting almost 40,000 views:

But he’s not the only gifted toddler. Two-year-old Michael Jr. is the son of Scripture scholar Dr. Michael Barber, whom I interviewed here. Like his dad, the young Michael is already a sharp theologian:

(Side note: I *must have that hat* at 0:37!)

This is the future of the Church. It’s young, vibrant, smart, simple, and deeply in love with God.

Zealous for both liturgy and theology, Isaiah and Michael Jr. should give us all hope. We can only pray for more Chrysostom’s and Augustine’s, Benedict’s and John Paul’s.