The Gospels as Performance Art

As someone particularly interested in the art of homiletics, I’ve long been intrigued by Max McLean. Through his stage performances of C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters (where McLean plays Uncle Screwtape), the many audio-Bibles he’s recorded, and his potent book Unleashing the Word (a book every lector should read), McLean vivifies the Gospel through performance art.

One of his current projects is a one-man performance of the Gospel of Mark, all from memory. Watching one person act out an entire book of the Bible may seem boring, but wait until you see McLean. He uses just a couple of props and a sprinkling of sound and lights, but his voice and acting really bring power to St. Mark’s stories.

Though you can buy the DVD, McLean’s entire performance is available free online through YouTube. Each YouTube video covers one chapter of Mark, with the whole series lasting about an hour-and-a-half. Here is one sample from Chapter 5:

Take a little time to watch the rest of these excellent videos:

(HT: Justin Taylor, who also has a great interview with McLean)