"The Great Divorce" on the Big Screen

One of my favorite C.S. Lewis works is “The Great Divorce”. A modern Dante’s Comedy, “The Great Divorce” follows several Hell-dwellers who take a day-trip into Heaven. There they encounter angels and former loved ones, engaging in conversation before an eventual invitation to remain in paradise. Lewis’ imagination is on full display in this work, and his refreshing views on Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory are also featured.

With my love for this book, I was delighted to read that N.D. Wilson–author of the wildly imaginative “Notes From the Tilt-A-Whirl”–has been contracted to adapt “The Great Divorce” for theaters. I can’t wait to see how Wilson adapts this great work for the big screen!

(I had the chance to see Anthony Lawton’s one-man performance of “The Great Divorce”, which re-enchanted me by Lewis’ work. I strongly recommend seeing this to all Lewis fans if it comes to your town!)