Living an Awesome Story

I’ve written many times before on my attempts to “live a great story.” I got the idea from Don Miller’s book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, and it’s changed my life. I’m now constantly on the lookout for ways to sacrifice, overcome conflict, and live heroically.

When I talk about “living a great story”, though, I don’t mean some Be-the-Best-You, Live-Your-Best-Life-Now motivational slush. I’m talking about a central question that can help you to determine God’s will for your life. Properly understood, “how can I live a good story?” has been the most important discernment question I’ve asked.

I’m writing a post for where I go deeper into this stuff, but the wonderful Jennifer Fulwiler has just written a great article on it herself (and did a much, much better job.)

You should definitely read her post for three reasons:

1. She’s one of the most gifted writers I know.
2. She understands the elements of story.
3. She’s living a great story herself.

Head over to and learn how to “Live an Awesome Story”.