Fr. Barron on the Newtown Tragedy

Isenheim Altarpiece

Isenheim Altarpiece

With his usual poignancy and depth, Fr. Barron reflects on the tragic Newtown shootings in light of the Cross:

“For Christians, [the problem of suffering] has a particular texture because we don’t offer an abstract solution. We don’t focus on a philosophical account of how to reconcile God and evil. We don’t do that so much.
We hold up the Cross. We hold up evil in all of its intensity and power. But we do so with a peace beyond all understanding because we know the love of God is more powerful than anything that is in the world.
That’s the Christian response to Newtown and all the other tragedies down through history. We’re in touch with a God who doesn’t eliminate evil from the world—that will come at the end of time—but one who is greater than and more powerful than anything that’s in the world.”