What Mormons can teach Catholics about Online Evangelization

I’ve written an article for the October 2 edition of the Our Sunday Visitor newsweekly exploring the incredible online efforts of the Mormon community:

“Standing outside on a hot summer day, you see two young men riding their bicycles toward your driveway. With their pressed shirts, black ties and bright smiles, it doesn’t take long to determine who they are — Mormons.

These ubiquitous missionaries are known for their zeal and door-to-door evangelism. Mormon men devote two years to missionary activity, many of them biking through neighborhoods across the country.

But today, the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) don’t only evangelize door-to-door. They’ve now gone computer-to-computer. By reaching the digital continent with remarkable success, they’ve provided an example that Catholics would do well to imitate.”

Read the rest of the article for free at OSV.com.