
For the last few weeks I’ve been reading a relatively new blog called BadCatholic, written by Marc Barnes. It’s one of those blogs that tempts you to read every post in its archives. Marc’s writings are creative and unpretentious while somewhat irreverent. And they are always amusing.

In Marc’s recent post on Confession, he threatens a Chesterton-like grimace for those doubting the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a glare I hope never to receive. In a post called “Testosterone”, Marc weaves together ‘Braveheart’, ‘Gladiator’ and the Old Testament assassin Ehud. And in a post on angels, Marc connects ‘Apocalypto’, cannibalism, and the Eucharist with the cherubim and seraphim.

If you’re looking for some fresh, outside-the-box writings on faith, check out BadCatholic!