An Open Letter to Politicians

Marcel LeJeune has a non-partisan, open letter over at the Aggie Catholics blog directed toward politicians. He articulates well what Catholics demand from political candidates. Below are some of my favorite points:

  • Abortion isn’t just another issue. It is the primary issue, unlike any other of our time.
  • We will not forget the poor, the disenfranchised, immigrants, the elderly, the young, the disabled or any other group that society might not champion. Nor will we allow you to forget them either.
  • We expect that you will see your position as a great responsibility to serve and not one of mere authority.
  • Our country needs you to be holy. If we are to start to rise again, then common sense dictates our leaders become examples for us to rally around. Being holy is the only option.

Give the letter a read and join me in signing it!