Tonight: "Your Family and Cyberspace: Raising Saints in a Digital Age"

If you’re in the Orlando area tonight, come out to St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish at 7:00pm. In the main church I’ll be giving a talk titled, “Your Families and Cyberspace: Raising Saints in a Digital Age” which will help parents understand and master new media technology and use it to raise virtuous children. The talk will be followed by some time for Q&A.

If you can’t make it out tonight, we’re hosting a duplicate event this Saturday morning (1/28) at 10:00am, same topic, same place.

And for a taste of what to expect, check out my latest article for

“Navigating the dangerous waters of the web with your kids is difficult but not impossible.

Like Alice, who passed through the mirror and found herself in Wonderland, many of us dads have also been swept into a strange new world —a world of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs, text messages, and more. What makes this world even more daunting is that it’s loaded with young people who speak an unfamiliar language.

It’s definitely scary. Almost every day we hear internet horror stories: children being cyberbullied to death; kids surfing into pornography; teenagers addicted to cell phones and social media; the malignant spread of distraction and narcissism. What’s a parent to do? These tools seem to be only growing in force, and placing a wedge between parent and child. So how can we raise saints in this digital world?”

Read the rest of the article here.